Quotes Worth Another Reflection
It seems hard in the beginning but suddenly you have learned the essentials and progress more rapidly. This goes for everything, whether it is being music, study techniques, running, etc. Learning is a process, and the initial phase can be tough. Crack the code and progress keeps rolling.

Too much the same makes it less exciting. Find the right balance.
Get things done, immediately. Typically, you are best suited to do that duty in the very moment you consider doing it, and then you do not risk missing it.
Remember a mindset that says “life is tough, and I have to work hard to succeed”. No shortcuts to personal development and learning no matter how smart you are.
Especially in the youth, remember to consider the next 1-5 years. What is important to you and what do you want to achieve? Work towards your goals. Although, you also have to be present and live the moment. Find a balance by figuring out what you feel passionate about.
If you neglect something continuously over time, remember to re-consider whether your automation pilot is right or not. It might be time for adjustment. Also, if you have not done something for a long time, then try it again. Perhaps you have changed on whether you like watermelon, for instance.
If you do not know your goals in life, the changes that you will succeed are extremely low. Do you rely on luck?
Never ever talk down your own profession or your lifestage, either beloved ones. Instead be an enthusiastic storyteller. For example, it is awesome that you are still on your bachelor. You might be “behind” friends of the same age as yourself but you have probably done something they have not achieved. Another bright example: you are now studying again, but do not forget that you hold a nurse degree. Wow.
- Nothing last forever.
- Your greatest strength is uniqueness.
- Running is a gift. Just think about it.
- Exercise is to the body what reading is to the mind.
- It is not what you do in the gym that makes you fit. It is what you do all day.
- Every cloud has a silver lining.
- Embrace the struggle. Particularly in the context of entrepreneurship.
- Drink a large glass of water every morning.
- Have more confidence. Risk everything.
- It is all about TIMING.
Someday I might develop an app?
At good times, the raising tide lifts all boats. Or, are some boats just increasing its size?
Why is Airbnb and similar services not more broaden? Is it coming for other things like personal equipment or would it not make sense?
Improve your senses. Improve life. Elaborate.
Riddles …
Do not try to solve it but listen to your intuition: A bat and a ball cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
Tell me whether I am assimilating a male or female spider with my hand. Okay?
You have a tell me the right pattern. Sitting around a table, it takes turns and you either say “above”, “below”, or “one of each”. The moderator informs whether you are right or wrong. As it goes around, you should be able to explain why the participants are right or wrong.
You are in a room with three different electrical outlets. You are only allowed to use two of them to figure which one fits the lamp in the other room. How can you with certainty know the right one?